Thursday, October 2, 2008

McCain's baggage

Every political pundit and commentator seems to think and are seriously debating that McCain is really contemplating getting rid of Palin as his running mate and essentially cutting his losses. Most opinions on this are based along the lines that it is too late for McCain to do this because he take just as big of a hit for unloading her as keeping her on the ticket. However, he has one last option especially is the House votes down the "sweetened" bill that the Senate passed (every senator should be ashamed for adding those sweeteners and making a mockery of this dire situation)

McCain and his campaign (I think he is still campaigning eventhough it doesn't seem like it) could have McCain state that the economy is in the worst shape since the Great Depression and that if he does not take immediate action it will be prolonged. At that point he could and should tap the man that should have been the VP nominee is McCain wasn't so worried about the Christian Right. Ladies and gentlemen...I give you....Mitt Romney.

Eventhough I am a democrat through and through, I like Romney. Smart, funny, good looking, and likeable. He should have been the nominee for either President or VP because in either case his ticket would be leaps and bounds ahead of Obama due to his expertise on economic issues.

This campaign will go down in history as the worst campaign of all time for just alone nominating Palin as VP, but this could save it...or at least keep the debate from drowning too quickly. The McCain campaign should be honored because they have done something previously thought to be a campaign worse than Rudy Guiliani!

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